Well I fixed some bad connections on this Fender Champ 12, but I'm having trouble with the output tube drawing too much current.
It starts out with 27v across the cathode resistors, at about 44ma, and the cathode voltage continues to increase until the tube breaks down.
I tried a few different 6L6's, new and used. The one that hangs the best is an old Ampreg branded 6L6.
I tried increasing the cathode resistance by another 100 ohms, but then the amp starts to lose power, only putting out about 8w instead of 10, but that may have to be the only way to keep the output stable.
I'm also getting around 9vdc on the input grid from R30, and that voltage increases as the bias goes up, naturally.
I don't think coupling caps C11 or C15 are bad/leaky as there is no dc voltage on the 6L6 input grid when that tube is removed. I'm going to swap them out just to make sure.
Any other ideas on taming the current draw of the output tube?
Thanks. champ_12_schem.pdf
It starts out with 27v across the cathode resistors, at about 44ma, and the cathode voltage continues to increase until the tube breaks down.
I tried a few different 6L6's, new and used. The one that hangs the best is an old Ampreg branded 6L6.
I tried increasing the cathode resistance by another 100 ohms, but then the amp starts to lose power, only putting out about 8w instead of 10, but that may have to be the only way to keep the output stable.
I'm also getting around 9vdc on the input grid from R30, and that voltage increases as the bias goes up, naturally.
I don't think coupling caps C11 or C15 are bad/leaky as there is no dc voltage on the 6L6 input grid when that tube is removed. I'm going to swap them out just to make sure.
Any other ideas on taming the current draw of the output tube?
Thanks. champ_12_schem.pdf