So here's one I've not seen before. 1965 Deluxe-Amp comes in dead. Shorted filter cap. But it also had been converted to solid state rectifer with two extra 20uF filter caps added. I convinced the customer to put it back to stock. While I'n in there I notice the filament wires coming off the PT are wrong. One grren wire and the green/ yellow are going to the lamp, and the other green wire is chassis grounded. Well, that's clearly wrong, so I figured the guy who thought those other BS mods were a good idea must have done this, too. I wired like the schematic with both green wires to the lamp, and the green/yellow to ground. But then I could not get it bias up, and it sounded very weak.
I eventually found I had 7.3 Vac to ground on one side of the lamp, and 1.2 Vac on the other side. I disconnected everything, and I found it was wired correctly before I changed it. I had 7.5 Vac between one green wire and the green/yellow wire with the other green wire grounded, with all tubes removed in standby. So it turns out this darn PT has mislabled filament wires. Amp works fine now.
I have never come across this in all my travels. Have you?
I eventually found I had 7.3 Vac to ground on one side of the lamp, and 1.2 Vac on the other side. I disconnected everything, and I found it was wired correctly before I changed it. I had 7.5 Vac between one green wire and the green/yellow wire with the other green wire grounded, with all tubes removed in standby. So it turns out this darn PT has mislabled filament wires. Amp works fine now.
I have never come across this in all my travels. Have you?