Thanks for reading. Can anyone help me to determine the proper or safe speaker impedance for a crate v50 212 made in vietnam version? i just picked up this amp and it sounds great, but i noticed that the speaker jack is labeled 8ohms and the actual speakers are indeed 4ohms (2 8's in parallel)
this amp has been modified by someone who did a very clean job of replacing 5 big caps and moving them off the board to a remote area of the chassis. they did such a nice job that i find it hard to believe that they would put a 4ohm pair of speaks in an obviously 8 ohm amp. the speakers are also branded crate v series and look origional.
this amp has been modified by someone who did a very clean job of replacing 5 big caps and moving them off the board to a remote area of the chassis. they did such a nice job that i find it hard to believe that they would put a 4ohm pair of speaks in an obviously 8 ohm amp. the speakers are also branded crate v series and look origional.