I have a weird one. Late 70s UL Twin Reverb came in with a blown fuse and an open 22uF electrolytic. I recapped the amp, replaced the screen resistors, tubes were tested with no shorts (output tubes are newish Tung Sols). I fired the amp up, gave it a 20 count, flipped it to play mode and I get this loud hum and another blown fuse. Recheck my work and find no issues. This time I brought it up slow on the variac and it starts fine and plays great. Turned it off and on a few times and no issues. I come in this morning, fire it up again and the heavy current draw is back. This time I am able to reduce my variac to keep the fuse alive and around 1.5A I hear a pop and the heavy current draw dissapears. Almost like a part is failing under high startup voltage. Anyone ever experience something like this? I subbed in new tubes and it still does it. I lifted the coupling caps to the 6L6 grids and same thing. Rectifier and bias diodes test fine.