I'm wondering if I could use 12AU7s in place of 12BH7 (usually microphonic and hard to find or low quality current production) in a vintage (1969-1980s) SVT amplifier? They're pretty similar tubes - in my opinion the ffect could be cleaner signal (will not push power section hard as BH7s). So, no problem with trying them in that place?
Also, would like to ask about phase inverter (12DW7). Ampeg in their service bulletin in the late 70s wrote that it could be replaced by 12AX7 with no circuit changes. But as I see from schematic, it uses both halves so it will not be the same (???).
Also, would like to ask about phase inverter (12DW7). Ampeg in their service bulletin in the late 70s wrote that it could be replaced by 12AX7 with no circuit changes. But as I see from schematic, it uses both halves so it will not be the same (???).