Hello. Does the dc supply artificial CT helps to get rid of AC components in an dc heaters supply ? Or will not do any difference in respect with tied negative to ground please ? Take in consideration an independent dc heaters power supply with its output referenced to ground by 2x 100 ohm resistors vs directly tied negative to ground please... Merry Christmas anyone !
late: I still get 2mVpk AC ripple over my 6.3V dc supply at 0.9A. May I get a better ac100cps rejection referencing the supply to ground by two 100 ohm or is equal if just reference the negative side to ground, ? It will do any difference please ? Thanks.
late: I still get 2mVpk AC ripple over my 6.3V dc supply at 0.9A. May I get a better ac100cps rejection referencing the supply to ground by two 100 ohm or is equal if just reference the negative side to ground, ? It will do any difference please ? Thanks.