Hi Everybody, I haven't been on here for awhile, it's good to be back. Anyway, I have a Blues Deluxe Reissue here that someone had been messing around with and apparently gave up and brought it to me partially disassembled. The main PCB is badly damaged from heat in the area of R78, R79, D13, D14, etc. D13, D14, C40 and C41 tested OK but I decided to replace them anyway since they had obviously been exposed to a lot of heat. I replaced R78 and R79 with 470/5W ceramics with sturdier legs than the originals and mounted them 1/2" above the PCB. I had to run a few jumpers on the bottom of the board to account for damaged pads/traces. My problem is this: when I power on the amp there is only +3.8V/-3.8V where I'm expecting +16V/-16V. The other side of R78/R79 is +48V/-48V as expected. I double checked my order from Digikey to make sure I ordered the correct diodes, they are supposed to be 16V zeners, that looks fine. Then I noticed something strange, when I looked at the power resistors I removed they are actually 47ohm rather than the specified 470ohm. That likely explains why everything got so hot. What do you think is going on here? Could one or more of the opamps be damaged and pulling the voltage down? Is there a reliable way to check the opamps in circuit? I've been using the diode checker on my DMM but haven't found anything glaringly unusual. Any suggestions are appreciated, thanks!