Hello, I am fairly new to circuits and amps, and I have an old SLM amp id like to fix. It’s my dad’s and it never really worked to well. The pots are dirty so turning them would often lead to no sound what so ever. I decided to take a look at it the circuit and try to mess with it a little but alas, I am stuck. I will admit I messed up, I forgot the order the wires were connected to the PCB, and while putting it back together I shorted the fuse. I then tried to replace the fuse but I read the amp-age wrong and ended up using one with too high of a rating. Anywho, i now have the correct fuse in, however when i turn on the amp, it makes a loud humming sound with no signal when i plug in a cable. It also gets warm around the heatsink area, specifically the GE 2n 3402 transistor (which i could not find on the schematic below). Un plugging the reverb tank from the pcb also does not do anything, the noise is still there. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Crate CR-112 2.PDF
Crate CR-112 2.PDF