I am working on a BIG amp chassis, it's actually kind of stereo, in that there's a 6v6 power amp and a 6L6 power amp on the same chassis. Screens are all fed the same voltages, with a separate rectifier. The 6V6 section sounds great, but the 6L6 section seems to be giving me some problems. First off, I don't have any 6L6s to test with! I have been using some fat boy 6CA7s I have on hand (nothing on pin 1). I am using a 4-ohm on the 8-ohm tap, to better match the loading required by el34s. The cathode bias resistor is 250 ohm shared, the screen voltage is around 340, and the plate voltage around 370. It not only works on power up, but it sounds quite good. However, when gain is increased, a very high frequency oscillation begins, slowly reducing in frequency until it motorboats the amp. After twiddling with gain controls and removing feedback, the amp seems fine, sound is clear -- no apparent oscillation. After 5-10 minutes of music, the 60 hz hum starts increasing, inversely proportional to volume. After about 15 min, no signal gets through, and there is a loud 60hz. One of the 6CA7s is putting purple glow on its glass (it does this regardless of which tube which socket, and the glow follows the tube). No redplate. Is this a bad power tube, an oscillation too high to hear disabling one side of the p-p, a 60hz oscillation?@!??! or what? Gassy tube & runaway?
Ultimately: any guesses if this is an amp problem or a tube problem or both?
Ultimately: any guesses if this is an amp problem or a tube problem or both?