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Blues Jr. OT upgrade

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  • Blues Jr. OT upgrade

    OK, feel free to make fun of the new guy as I freely admit I'm an idiot. I changed the OT in my Blues Jr. to a direct retrofit Hammond 1750F - direct replacement for the Fender part #. I change it out, turn the sucker on, and it makes the most g_d-awful squealing noise I have ever heard and scares the crap out of my kid before I can turn it off. I put all the leads in the same places they were - I took detailed notes and took photos. What did I do wrong? Was I supposed to use a variac to fire it up? Help please, but be nice - it's Easter

  • #2
    Probably not your fault, but the polarity of the OT is wrong, and your amp is oscillating. Swap the leads to the speakers - I mean, reverse them, "hot" should be "ground" and "ground" should be "hot".


    • #3
      Not the leads to the speaker, but the output transformer leads. Typically we reverse the blue and brown wires going to the power tube plates.
      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


      • #4
        Thank you!!!!

        Wow guys, thanks SO much!!!! That is exactly what it was - the blue and brown wire. I really appreciate your help - thanks for taking the time to help out a new guy. All the best, JL

