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Crate V50 Tube Amp

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  • Crate V50 Tube Amp

    I recently just bought a Crate V50 and I have a couple questions.

    First of all, It is the bassiest amp I've ever played. With all the EQ at zero it has as much bass as my ampeg rocket turned up halfway and even when i turn the treble up all the way it is still way too bassy.

    What can i do to get rid of some of that bass? I am ok with a soldering iron and If it's just a resistor or a cap I can probably put it in.

    and secondly, I read that it is supposed to have a fixed bias for the 2 6L6 output tubes, but I was looking on the circuit board and there is a little plastic potlike thing that is able to be turned with a philips screwdriver. When I turn it clockwise the volume goes down and the power tubes glow less brightly. If i turn it counter clock-wise the volume goes up and gets slightly hotter. The turning of the little pot corresponds directly with the glowing of the power tubes. Doesn't that sound like an adjustable bias? It certainly does to me...

    Here is a copy of the only schematic I found. Is there an adjustable bias pot on here?

  • #2
    Adjustable bias IS fixed bias. Fixed means that the bias is established by the voltage from the bias supply. The fact it is adjustable is irrelevant. Whatever you set it to, is what bias it will have. The alternative is cathode bias, wherein the bias voltage is determined by the current through the tube. Tube current rises, then so does bias voltage.

    That schematic is only a partial, it is missing the pages with the power amp and power supply.

    The one thing that will have the most effect on the amp's tone is the speaker. COnsider a brighter speaker.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      I've tried it through other speakers as I have a bunch at my house. I have an ampeg rocket 2 and an epiphone futura and It is a whole different horse then them. the bass is incredible. But that bass causes the amp to distort.

      Any mods I can do to take away some of the bass?

