I changed my stock OT for a Weber WOT45HHR OT and I installed a Choke and Rotary switch for ohm selection. Used the Weber Universal Choke.
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Peavey VK112 OT Change 4,8,16,32ohm Mod.
Peavey VK112 OT Change 4,8,16,32ohm Mod.
(2)Peavey VK 112 2008
Fender SuperSonic 60W 112 2010, 5E3 Build Mojotone
Met. Red LP Gibson Robot 2008 Tronical Tuners
Faded Cherry LP Gibson 2007
Fender Strat HSS LSR S1 2008 Pearl
Fend FSR TelebotDlx Candy App 2011 Tronical Tuners
Gretsch G5120 2007 BlackTags: None
Yes, I am happy with the results. I have two VK112's and The one with the Weber OT is my go to VK until I get some more money together to do the OT change to the second one. I may trie a Heybouer or Hammond for the next one to see if there is any difference. Mercury is too overpriced.sigpicCharlieP
(2)Peavey VK 112 2008
Fender SuperSonic 60W 112 2010, 5E3 Build Mojotone
Met. Red LP Gibson Robot 2008 Tronical Tuners
Faded Cherry LP Gibson 2007
Fender Strat HSS LSR S1 2008 Pearl
Fend FSR TelebotDlx Candy App 2011 Tronical Tuners
Gretsch G5120 2007 Black