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Need help modding Traynor YGL-3 MKIII

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  • Need help modding Traynor YGL-3 MKIII

    I want to cascade the Normal channel into the Reverb/Tremolo channel on my Traynor YGL-3 (like people do with Plexi's). The amp is based off a Fender Twin, as you'll be able to tell by the schematic. I've been searching for weeks trying to find info on doing this but I just can't seem to find anything.
    I believe this is the schematic as mine is the later slanted front panel version.

    I'd greatly appreciate any help!

    Some of you may think of it as sacrilege to modify this thing, but it's already been chopped into a head from its previous combo form and I got the amp on trade for a cheap Korean Squier Strat which I purchased for $165, and I intended on modding it from the start. I know I could just get a dirt box, but that takes the fun out of it + doesn't sound quite the same.

    Thanks to anyone who can help!

  • #2
    Traynor Mod

    I'm about to do the same channel-cascade mod to my head. Let me know if you still need help


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dale_M View Post
      I want to cascade the Normal channel into the Reverb/Tremolo channel on my Traynor YGL-3 (like people do with Plexi's). The amp is based off a Fender Twin ...

      I'd greatly appreciate any help!

      Well, that really is not the way it is done... that is, cascading the normal channel into the other channel. With your amp, that will suck and ruin the amp for most practical applications.
      Two totally different animals.
      The Marshall amp has only one triode that is used per channel and each have their own volume controls, who's output is mixed after their respective wiper lugs... so you merely take the output of one of the volume control wiper from one channel and connect it to the switch lug of the other channel's input jack. One triode stage of gain with lots of bass roll off and it's volume control acting as a level or gain pot.
      BUT, there is a bunch of other tuning stuff to do too... your missing all that. You are wanting to do something totally different.

      If I were you I would keep it the way it is and buy $5 worth of parts and build a small +10dB to +15dB FET preamp with slightly rolled off bass response.
      Break the signal after your input jacks summing resistors and put the FET amp in front of your first preamp tube's grid(s) of either or both channels... it will sound totally tube like and kill in this type of amp plus cost you next to nothing.
      If you also add a 1M audio Master Volume pot right in front of the phase inverter driver cap, you'll get some hot preamp drive going by keeping the MV pot down and instead run more "gain" and higher volume levels from the preamp.

      All you need to power a FET amp like this is a couple 1w resistors forming a voltage divider from the last node of your already well filter B+ supply.
      Get your new drain VDC line down to about 16-20vdc with a simple 22uF@50v decoupling cap and and run with it.

      Mission Amps
      Denver, CO. 80022

