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6EY6 replacement for 6V6

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  • 6EY6 replacement for 6V6

    I recently had the opportunity to get 10 NOS 6EY6 tubes, different brands, all in their original boxes, for a very reasonable price. I tested each briefly in a 77 Silverface Champ and they all sounded good, a few sounded fantastic.
    Reading different stuff on the web (always a dangerous practice) I find a number of differing views on the topic of using these instead of 6V6s.
    One item states these can be used as a straight replacement with no problems. Another says to rebias, which probably isn't an issue since I wouldn't use them in any of my amps that take two 6V6s, just in single ended amps. Another place says they draw too much voltage and will burn out a power transformer meant for 6V6s. Yet another suggests they will damage the OT.
    At the risk of getting even more differing answers, does anyone out there have experience with these tubes and how feasible are they as replacements? ( I am always seeking tonal improvements. My wife says I don't practice enough because I am always switching amps or tubes)

  • #2
    Instead of trying to sort out the info and or misinfo on the net,just go to the tube manual.From what I see the 6EY6 draws a bit more heater current but shouldnt be a problem.A tube doesnt "draw voltage",it uses what your PT will supply.If it draws too much current,then you would have to re-bias.From what I see in the data it should be okay to use as long as it biases up okay in your particular amp.If they dont red plate and sound okay,I would have no problem using them.If the heater current is a concern,it shouldnt be,the 6V6 draws .45 a where the 6EY6 draws .68 a,any PT should be able to handle that slight increase.Just check the heater volts,if they drop much below 6.3 volts they are too much for your PT,but that Fender should be fine.


    • #3
      Thanks Stokes, a straightforward answer was what I needed. I got the tube amp bug real bad about 3 years ago after playing for about 45 years and am trying to learn as much as I can. I am still fighting my way through Van Valkenbergs electricity and electronics series, as well as other amp books, but have a ways to go yet. I have found this forum to be a great resource. I will do some measuring with these tubes on two or three amps to see what the voltages look like.


      • #4
        Tube Data Sheet

        Got these from "Franks Electron Tube Pages"
        Frank's Electron tube Pages
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Interesting... while the 6V6 and 6EY6 look very similar from the outside, the 6EY6 curves look more like a 6L6. But don't let that stop ya -- I've read encouraging things about using these in 6V6 amps.

          - Scott


          • #6
            I use to build my old 5 watt Soulkicker Jr. (modified 5F2A) with 6EY6s and they sound excellent.

            Mission Amps
            Denver, CO. 80022


            • #7
              Does the 6EY6 sound different that the 6V6 in a noticeable, describeable way?


              • #8
                Every amp is different, so the same tube could sound different to your ears in your amp. I have tried them in a silverface Champ and a Garnet Celebrity. I quite liked the sound in both. Hard to describe the difference but it was a good one. Mind you, I can muck about swapping tubes for hours. It is more fun than practicing.

