Does anyone here know how to modify an SWR bass amp in order to achieve a flat frequency response (ie turn the black curve into the yellow one on the graph below)?

Specifically, I'm interested in replacing the original aural enhancer knob with a pull pot on my SM-500 so that I can have access to either the original or flat preamp voicings. I'd also like to preserve the signal gain through the second half of the 12AX7 in 'bypass' mode.
Is this possible? If it is, where should the switch be positioned in order to to bypass the fender tonestack circuit circled in red?


Specifically, I'm interested in replacing the original aural enhancer knob with a pull pot on my SM-500 so that I can have access to either the original or flat preamp voicings. I'd also like to preserve the signal gain through the second half of the 12AX7 in 'bypass' mode.
Is this possible? If it is, where should the switch be positioned in order to to bypass the fender tonestack circuit circled in red?
