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Foot controllable tremolo twin reverb reissue

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  • Foot controllable tremolo twin reverb reissue

    Greetings. I'm wanting to modify my blackface so that I can control my tremolo speed with a foot pedal. I'm thinking I just need to find a similar pot to match and go from there.
    Can anyone give me a bit of direction? Starting with the pot value?
    Thanks in advance.
    PS: I'm an amateur electronics guy.

  • #2
    3M reverse audio - you could get away with 1 conductor and a shield / ground to it. Because it's wired as a variable resistor, connecting to ground through a 100k resistor.
    Maybe use the reverb footswitch connector / cable to your pedal?
    My band:-


    • #3
      Excellent! Thanks. That sounds easy enough. I would like to still use my stock pedal for reverb and trem on/off though. That would mean installing just a simple mono 1/4 jack wired to the pot leads?
      Do you know of any brand of "expression" pedal with the discussed value that could work for this application. Save me from having to jerry rig one up.


      • #4
        I did this last year with an oak reproduction of an ernie ball exp. pedal for a rack unit I built. Turned out siiick (although it did have issues not pertaining to the pedal)

        GO FOR IT. If you're a fan of varied speed effects it's one of the kings!

