Howdy! First post.
I'm interested in switching the cheap 1N4007 diodes in the rectifier of my '63 Vibroverb RI to FREDs. I've seen in various places, mention of using the IXYS 11A 1200V FRED available from Digi-Key. I was looking it up to purchase a few & saw that it's not actually listed as "Fast" but instead "Standard" (Standard Recovery > 200mA)
My question is, would the HEXFRED 1200V 16A FRED work better for my situation? It's pn# HFA16PB120-ND @ Digi-Key and listed as "Fast" (Recovery =< 500 ns, > 200mA) for speed. Faster is better in FREDs, right?
I'm interested in switching the cheap 1N4007 diodes in the rectifier of my '63 Vibroverb RI to FREDs. I've seen in various places, mention of using the IXYS 11A 1200V FRED available from Digi-Key. I was looking it up to purchase a few & saw that it's not actually listed as "Fast" but instead "Standard" (Standard Recovery > 200mA)
My question is, would the HEXFRED 1200V 16A FRED work better for my situation? It's pn# HFA16PB120-ND @ Digi-Key and listed as "Fast" (Recovery =< 500 ns, > 200mA) for speed. Faster is better in FREDs, right?