I just want to make sure this is right. Am i correct that the only thing that has to be done to switch a pair of el34's from pentode to low power triode is to take the screen resistors where they connect together to the B+ at the choke output and seperate them and remove them from that power source and put each one to it's respective tubes plate? And if i am correct, would i run into any issues using the switch with 6v6 or 6l6?
By the way, while i'm here i have another Q....when running 6v6 (JJ's so they can handle it) is there anything like screen R value that really should be changed? Also, I run them on the same tap even tho i know i should 1/2 it to 4 ohm. But it sounds better on 8.
By the way, while i'm here i have another Q....when running 6v6 (JJ's so they can handle it) is there anything like screen R value that really should be changed? Also, I run them on the same tap even tho i know i should 1/2 it to 4 ohm. But it sounds better on 8.