Chuck writes at the search engine cursor: fly rod guides
Goonle says: Including results for fly fishing guides
followed by: Search only for fly rod guides
So I click that box. Time I'm never getting back because Goonle thinks Chuck is too dumb to know if he's building a rod or going fishing.
In the above post Chuck writes: It does occur to me on slow days astream...
Auto correct stops me there at "astream". And because this may be the first time in my life I've even written that word I need to check now and see if the usual spelling protocols don't apply to that word, but all I'm offered is "a stream" "stream" and "streams". So now I'm wondering if it's one of those words that doesn't actually exist even though people say it. So I check Goonle. Goonle says it's a word. Ok, back to the post where I just accept that there's a red squiggly line under the word astream. Also time I'm never getting back because my computer thinks my vocabulary is so limited that I don't know common words. When in fact the opposite is true.
This is just two of many examples that popped up today. I won't go into the rest, but I can't even guess at how much of my time is wasted because some program is so sure I got something wrong that it won't allow me to view narrowed results. At the very least I waste time learning how to manipulate the search criteria so Goonle doesn't spoon feed me what it thinks I meant. I just love being brought to the lowest common denominator by a program, don't you!? Soon they'll have us all wearing those white Styrofoam helmets full time and all our shoes will have Velcro instead of laces. Just another happy day riding in the tan window van. Yes, Mr. counselor, I like the pretty flowers. Yes, I like to eat apple sauce too...
Goonle says: Including results for fly fishing guides
followed by: Search only for fly rod guides
So I click that box. Time I'm never getting back because Goonle thinks Chuck is too dumb to know if he's building a rod or going fishing.
In the above post Chuck writes: It does occur to me on slow days astream...
Auto correct stops me there at "astream". And because this may be the first time in my life I've even written that word I need to check now and see if the usual spelling protocols don't apply to that word, but all I'm offered is "a stream" "stream" and "streams". So now I'm wondering if it's one of those words that doesn't actually exist even though people say it. So I check Goonle. Goonle says it's a word. Ok, back to the post where I just accept that there's a red squiggly line under the word astream. Also time I'm never getting back because my computer thinks my vocabulary is so limited that I don't know common words. When in fact the opposite is true.
This is just two of many examples that popped up today. I won't go into the rest, but I can't even guess at how much of my time is wasted because some program is so sure I got something wrong that it won't allow me to view narrowed results. At the very least I waste time learning how to manipulate the search criteria so Goonle doesn't spoon feed me what it thinks I meant. I just love being brought to the lowest common denominator by a program, don't you!? Soon they'll have us all wearing those white Styrofoam helmets full time and all our shoes will have Velcro instead of laces. Just another happy day riding in the tan window van. Yes, Mr. counselor, I like the pretty flowers. Yes, I like to eat apple sauce too...