As we all know, Super Reverbs are meant to drive their 4 ten inch 8 ohm speakers at a 2 ohm load. For the past year now, I've been running on 2 speakers only therefore, at a 4 ohm load. The amp is not as loud yet breaks up earlier and - overall; much sweeter 
Coming from a lifetime of hating to mismatch anything, though no apparent harm has been done to the amp or speakers, I come to you to hear what you think about swapping out the stock transformer for a good quality one with a multi-tap wiring. This would allow me to pick a 2, 4, or 8 ohm load depending on what speaker cabinet or configuration I would run at whatever moment.
#1. Is it just a matter of swapping out the transformer and NOTHING ELSE like, caps, resistors, widgets and wanketts and whatever ..... ?
#2. Will I be losing the pleasant audio gains I've achieved by the mismatch and essentially be putting it back to 'stock' - meaning losing my early

Coming from a lifetime of hating to mismatch anything, though no apparent harm has been done to the amp or speakers, I come to you to hear what you think about swapping out the stock transformer for a good quality one with a multi-tap wiring. This would allow me to pick a 2, 4, or 8 ohm load depending on what speaker cabinet or configuration I would run at whatever moment.
#1. Is it just a matter of swapping out the transformer and NOTHING ELSE like, caps, resistors, widgets and wanketts and whatever ..... ?
#2. Will I be losing the pleasant audio gains I've achieved by the mismatch and essentially be putting it back to 'stock' - meaning losing my early