Hi Guys,
A customer asked me if I could mod his 1973 JMP 50 to add a PPIMV.
I am not doing mods very often so I would like to have your feedback about the mod I plan to add :

How is that going to affect the amp tonewise ?
Is it going to affect the bias ? I think it would be better to re-bias the amp when this master volume is all the way up.
Thanks for your advices.
Cheers !
A customer asked me if I could mod his 1973 JMP 50 to add a PPIMV.
I am not doing mods very often so I would like to have your feedback about the mod I plan to add :
How is that going to affect the amp tonewise ?
Is it going to affect the bias ? I think it would be better to re-bias the amp when this master volume is all the way up.
Thanks for your advices.
Cheers !