Tom I wouldn't assume that. In 100 watt amps with two bias controls - like those Marshalls - each control handles two tubes. It would be the same with a balance control.
You know, it i snot strictly speaking a balance control, but in many amps with dual bias controls, The procedure is not usually to adjust each side. They usually have you probe one test point and adjut the bias there, then you put the meter between the two test points and adjust the second control of zero. zero meaning the two currents were equal. SO you are balancing it in a way.
You know, it i snot strictly speaking a balance control, but in many amps with dual bias controls, The procedure is not usually to adjust each side. They usually have you probe one test point and adjut the bias there, then you put the meter between the two test points and adjust the second control of zero. zero meaning the two currents were equal. SO you are balancing it in a way.