Originally posted by danfrank
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I doubt David Hafler would have included the "pre filter" if he didn't think it necessary for the MkIII, MkIV & Stereo70 Dynaco amps which were copied into Sunn tube guitar/bass/PA amps. One fine day some 25 years ago, for a lark I tried running MkIII's from the raw B+ supply. It didn't work out well, sure I got another couple watts, barely more than stock. But I also got audible distortion. Running sine waves thru the MkIII's and watching the scope I easily saw the "blip" added = distortion. A bridge too far, retreated one step to stock and all's OK with the world & the Dyna MkIII's. Dam' I had 'em sold too, and in the time I wasted faffing around, the buyer found himself a pair of McIntosh C40 instead. Well no worries, he was happy with them and the C20 preamp he also scored, and had me work them over, so I ended up making a couple bucks & learning a lesson: my "improvement" to Dynacos was no improvement.