Hi gents!!!
I've been a long time fan of Sunn. My first amp was a Sentura II... bought it in 1977, when I was 17, with money earned while pumping gas.
Then, I sold it, along with my analog recording gear in 1998 and I'm still kicking myself for doing so.
After going through a variety of amps, Marshall, Peavey, Yamaha, Fender, Roland, Randall, Hi-Tone (Hiwatt clone that I still have and love), I just bought a Solarus!!! YEAH MAN!!!
I just love the way a cranked Sunn sounds through a pair of EV SROs... it's like heaven on Earth!!! I'm back in the Sunn saddle again!
The amp is in good condition and it only needs a new 1000uF cap (on order from Mouser).
However, someone removed the RCA connectors for the verb/trem foot switch and I plan on restoring this.
Here's my first question: There is a lone, RCA jack on the back. It has a single yellow wire that goes to a small, wire size hole, in the top of the trem PC board ... anyone know what this does????
I haven't seen it on any Sunn Amp before and I won't have a chance to hook it up to a switch until next week.
Second question: Does anyone know the bias values for a 1969 Solarus with EL34s?
Gut shot:

Mystery jack:

Glad to be here and thanks for your help!!!
I've been a long time fan of Sunn. My first amp was a Sentura II... bought it in 1977, when I was 17, with money earned while pumping gas.
Then, I sold it, along with my analog recording gear in 1998 and I'm still kicking myself for doing so.
After going through a variety of amps, Marshall, Peavey, Yamaha, Fender, Roland, Randall, Hi-Tone (Hiwatt clone that I still have and love), I just bought a Solarus!!! YEAH MAN!!!
I just love the way a cranked Sunn sounds through a pair of EV SROs... it's like heaven on Earth!!! I'm back in the Sunn saddle again!
The amp is in good condition and it only needs a new 1000uF cap (on order from Mouser).
However, someone removed the RCA connectors for the verb/trem foot switch and I plan on restoring this.
Here's my first question: There is a lone, RCA jack on the back. It has a single yellow wire that goes to a small, wire size hole, in the top of the trem PC board ... anyone know what this does????
I haven't seen it on any Sunn Amp before and I won't have a chance to hook it up to a switch until next week.
Second question: Does anyone know the bias values for a 1969 Solarus with EL34s?
Gut shot:
Mystery jack:
Glad to be here and thanks for your help!!!