I am trying to make a dry-wet blend mixer for an fx-loop.
It should have gain ~1 mid to end possition and attenuate to shutoff the opposite direction.
But it oscilates at a very low frequency...
The send-return module is a seporate board with 6.3'' plugs and op-amp buffers. It is not connected at all.
Now the main signal (from U2:A) should have gain ~1 mid to end position and attenuate to shutoff in the opposite direction (works on simulator).
It should have gain ~1 mid to end possition and attenuate to shutoff the opposite direction.
But it oscilates at a very low frequency...
The send-return module is a seporate board with 6.3'' plugs and op-amp buffers. It is not connected at all.
Now the main signal (from U2:A) should have gain ~1 mid to end position and attenuate to shutoff in the opposite direction (works on simulator).