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What amp should i build for this tone?

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  • What amp should i build for this tone?

    I'm looking to build a sort of hi gain fenderish amp but without so much high end as most fenders. I know it isn't possible, but what design would get me the *closest* to a sort of fenderish throaty SRV on the edge tone with a lot of it coming from preamp gain and with a master? No need to tell me it's impossible because like i said i don't expect to get that sound, just to get it as close as possible via preamp gain and a output section that isn't oo bright and clean. I know there are a million user designed schematics out there and some have gained great reps and praise. But are there any that deliver what i'm asking? And when i say hi gain preamp, i don't mean JCM800 etc. I mean high gain when compared to a typical fender which is usually clean till the power amp lets loose. Maybe as much preamp gain as a blues junior is capable of for example. But i want the preamp drive to have more of that fendery SRV tone thats reedy and thick in it's preamp tone with a PA that helps support that tone.

    It's hard to describe, but i hope i've been able to make clear what i'm looking for.

  • #2
    Do it. You should just do it. Build it. Build it and tweak it. dial it in. I built a bandmaster. The one with the 2 1/2 tube vibrato, not the 2 tube vibrato. something about that circuit. Throaty. And sustain to no end. i could hit a note and hold it to next tuesday. The output transformer was ultralinear from a silver face (like a hi-fi) and the speaker had a rip (jefferson airplane style distortion). The vibrato was cool, but I didn't use it much, but it had some kind of compression going on. Too bad I traded it for a Guild Thunderbass. I built it just to hear what it sounded like, why use 2 1/2 tubes just for vibrato? Personally I prefer an Ampeg style tone section, more defined bass and treble. Pre amp, tone section, power amp. Build a bunch of each, and audition different configurations if you want.

