The attached voltage doubler circuit was something Steven O'Connor posted a while back and I've saved it for reference.
I'm using the 5vac CT rectifier winding on a Hammond 370HX PT and want a voltage tripler circuit but none of the circuits I can find use a centre-tapped PT.
I'm wanting to use the voltage tripler to get 15vac, then rectify it to DC to feed a 12vdc voltage regulator for the relays.
Anyone got a link/schematic for an appropriate tripler circuit using a CT PT like in the circuit attached? Or, can anyone rejig the doubler circuit attached to provide 3x the input voltage?
I'm using the 5vac CT rectifier winding on a Hammond 370HX PT and want a voltage tripler circuit but none of the circuits I can find use a centre-tapped PT.
I'm wanting to use the voltage tripler to get 15vac, then rectify it to DC to feed a 12vdc voltage regulator for the relays.
Anyone got a link/schematic for an appropriate tripler circuit using a CT PT like in the circuit attached? Or, can anyone rejig the doubler circuit attached to provide 3x the input voltage?