I have 2 different caps for the NFB on my marshall style build. One is the typical .1uf which i really like because i can use it in conjunction with the treble pot to fine tune the treble to get the right blend of very hi treble and lower treble frequencies. But when i switch to the 2.2uf i love the way the tone gets thick. But then i miss the ability to fine tune the higher end with the .1uf. So i want to use both at the same time. right next to the presence pot is the switch i use to go between the 2 caps. What i want to do is replace that with another "presence" pot so that i have two presence pots, one for the .1uf and one for the 2.2uf. Is there any reaon this wouldn't work? i intend to do it as in the drawing below. If anyone can tell me whether that will work or if not how i should change it i'd appriciate it. Thanks .