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Installed a switch to disable NFB on a Marshall style build

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  • Installed a switch to disable NFB on a Marshall style build

    It's interesting... at low volume at home, it's much much better WITHOUT the NFB. Sounds less constrained.

    But at high volume with the band, it just sounds too crazy with the NFB taming down the treble a bit.

    Therefore I guess I can say that there can be no definite answer on whether NFB is good or not.

    I do run my Depth control rather high so I guess what I like is "selective NFB", and perhaps a Cut control like on a Vox AC30 would make the non-NFB option much more usable to me, at any volumes.

  • #2
    I had a switch for a long time but eventually dumped it in favor of full time NFB. It sounds kinda nice w/o it at times, but after a while i realized NFB makes it so much more usable. I would only want no NFB if i were into extremely intense punk or thrash sound or some such thing. Try using a small NFB resistor like 47k or even 22k, then put thtat in series with a 100k pot. You'll be able to dial in from a very high degree of NFB making for a very soft tone all the way to a point thats much closer to no NFB. It will still have the less harsh treble and less flabby bass of an amp with no NFB, but it will get you much closer to it and give you both ends of the spectrum and the ability to dial in as much or little as you want. If you like both scenarios this can let you dial in something in between. Works great in that you can dial in the amount of "in your faceness" (new word) or dial it out depending omn the need such as in a band or at home, which as you know can require very opposite sounds.

