Saturday's amusement.
I'm building a 1x12 closed back extension cabinet. The internal volume with the driver in it will be around 1.5 cu ft. I started playing with WinISD to get an idea of the characteristics I can expect of this cabinet when loaded with various drivers for which I have TS parameters. Eminence provides TS parameters for their guitar speaker line so I started with those. I also looked at a JBL E120.
The Eminence drivers are all modeled in a 1.5 cu ft closed cab.
The E120 is modeled in a 1 cu ft ported cab, tuned to 80 Hz.

The system response of all the Eminence drivers is pretty close, but look at the maximum power curves. That's the frequency and power at which the cone excursion is equal to xmax. If the cone excursion is exceeds xmax then farting out commences. All of the Eminence drivers exceed the xmax dimension at powers well below the driver's thermal rating and at frequencies well into the guitar range. Based on this data I would go with either the Private Jack or the JBL.
Still, I must be missing something because people do use these drivers, though I have seen reviews and reports of "farting out" on certain guitar forums when discussing some of these.
-- bradley
I'm building a 1x12 closed back extension cabinet. The internal volume with the driver in it will be around 1.5 cu ft. I started playing with WinISD to get an idea of the characteristics I can expect of this cabinet when loaded with various drivers for which I have TS parameters. Eminence provides TS parameters for their guitar speaker line so I started with those. I also looked at a JBL E120.
The Eminence drivers are all modeled in a 1.5 cu ft closed cab.
The E120 is modeled in a 1 cu ft ported cab, tuned to 80 Hz.
- Red Fang, rated 50W, pink trace
- Cannabis Rex, rated 50W, yellow trace
- Black Mountain, rated 30W, orange trace
- Man O War, rated 120W, white trace
- Private Jack, rated 50W, purple trace
- Black Powder, rated 75W, blue trace
- JBL E120, rated 150W, green trace

The system response of all the Eminence drivers is pretty close, but look at the maximum power curves. That's the frequency and power at which the cone excursion is equal to xmax. If the cone excursion is exceeds xmax then farting out commences. All of the Eminence drivers exceed the xmax dimension at powers well below the driver's thermal rating and at frequencies well into the guitar range. Based on this data I would go with either the Private Jack or the JBL.
Still, I must be missing something because people do use these drivers, though I have seen reviews and reports of "farting out" on certain guitar forums when discussing some of these.
-- bradley