Originally posted by imaradiostar
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Of course the plate transformer was a totally different power transformer then the screen supply tranny.
I think I still have the Hi-V power transformer around here somewhere... it's too big to do anything with though.
The filament tranny was a separate unit too, which was about the size of a small bread toaster, 5v@40A.
The two 4-400a tubes (class AB) made an honest 650-750 watts at 1.85Mhz and 3.75Mhz.
The RF deck was too big and the power supply built in a different cabinet...
I later downsized and went to single 3-500Z triode with pretty much the same kind of power supply, just smaller. It only made about 400-450 watts output.., but that amp was a lot easier to handle.
Both those amps needed a boat load of drive signal to operate though... like 35 watts to 80 watts of drive and ran on a home run, 220v line from my panel to my radio shack.
I often thought about building a big audio amp using transmitting tetrodes or triodes like these.
But who really needs it.