I was poking around inside my SFVC the other day, tracing the trem oscillator output while I played with my new oscilloscope. I noticed something interesting -- a small ceramic dipped capacitor bridging the pins to the 6V6 grid and cathode. This cap isn't on the VibroChamp schematics I've seen, so I thought I'd ask a couple of questions.
First, my electronics book is out on loan, so I thought I'd ask what purpose the grid/cathode capacitance serves.
Second, I thought I'd ask if anyone knows when the factory started doing this. IIRC my VC is a mid-70s model.
First, my electronics book is out on loan, so I thought I'd ask what purpose the grid/cathode capacitance serves.
Second, I thought I'd ask if anyone knows when the factory started doing this. IIRC my VC is a mid-70s model.