The Single Ended Output Stage article on MerlinB's website gives the following formula for calculating the bypass capacitor value:
using the values in his example circuit this is
72uF=0.072F, correct?
but when I do the calculation (using the calculator utility in Windows) I keep getting 7.2xxxxxxxxxx (rounded off to two places) rather than the expected 0.072
I am off by a factor of 100 and I can't see why.
Also, I solved the same equation for f and get
Is this correct?
Thanks, it's been a loooong time since High School Algebra!
using the values in his example circuit this is
72uF=0.072F, correct?
but when I do the calculation (using the calculator utility in Windows) I keep getting 7.2xxxxxxxxxx (rounded off to two places) rather than the expected 0.072
I am off by a factor of 100 and I can't see why.
Also, I solved the same equation for f and get
Is this correct?
Thanks, it's been a loooong time since High School Algebra!
