This is actually a question about some FX pedals, but it is a theory and design question and the effects forum doesn't seem to get as much traffic as the amp section, so I'm posting here. 
I just built an Orange Squeezer and a TubeSoundFuzz/Red Llama. I would like to roll off the highest frequencies of the outputs of both. They both use 10k volume pots as the last part of the circuit, so I am thinking that if I bypass the vol pot with a small cap that would work, but I don't know what value cap to use. I can use trial and error, but I would like to know how to work the math too.
For the cap in parallel with the 10k pot can I just use the f=1/2piRC formula? I also don't know how to calculate the source or output load impedances concerned, especially since I am dealing with ss devices, which I know less about than tubes. Links to the schematics:

I just built an Orange Squeezer and a TubeSoundFuzz/Red Llama. I would like to roll off the highest frequencies of the outputs of both. They both use 10k volume pots as the last part of the circuit, so I am thinking that if I bypass the vol pot with a small cap that would work, but I don't know what value cap to use. I can use trial and error, but I would like to know how to work the math too.
For the cap in parallel with the 10k pot can I just use the f=1/2piRC formula? I also don't know how to calculate the source or output load impedances concerned, especially since I am dealing with ss devices, which I know less about than tubes. Links to the schematics: