I am wiring up a new project this evening and have run across a very weird problem. The circuit is base on a blackface styled deal with GS - tonestack – GS – LTPI – PA (nothing complicated). On fire up I was checking my voltages and was looking at the plate voltages for the phase inverter (long tail pair). Rail voltage is about 314V, one side the plate was about 200V and the other was 312V.
I tried 3 different tubes, checked conductivity in the wiring, tried to re-tension socket, measured voltages all around it and I am STUMPED! To me, the 312V reading means it’s not connected to anything (open) as there is no current going though the plate resistor to drop the voltage.
Might any of you have any idea what is happening? FWIW, it’s the grounded side of a long tail pair (for lack of a better way of saying it). Could it be a bad grid coupling cap? (cathode and grid voltages seem normal)
Thanks for looking
I tried 3 different tubes, checked conductivity in the wiring, tried to re-tension socket, measured voltages all around it and I am STUMPED! To me, the 312V reading means it’s not connected to anything (open) as there is no current going though the plate resistor to drop the voltage.
Might any of you have any idea what is happening? FWIW, it’s the grounded side of a long tail pair (for lack of a better way of saying it). Could it be a bad grid coupling cap? (cathode and grid voltages seem normal)
Thanks for looking