These two and others are marketing names for a variable voltage regulator straight from textbooks. One of them uses a Master/Slave scheme to simultaneously adjust high voltage and idle current (bias) of output power tubes.
Aleksander Niemand Zagray! amp- PG review Aug 2011
Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise. -Pierre Beaumarchais, playwright (1732-1799)
Yes, they're trying to maintain around 70% (magic number for some) of max plate dissipation for as long as possible as plate and screen grid voltages go down. This of course is not possible very far down.
Personally I see no point in reducing preamp or PI supply voltage. But as they say, one mans perversion is anothers prfection.
Aleksander Niemand Zagray! amp- PG review Aug 2011
Without the freedom to criticize, there is no true praise. -Pierre Beaumarchais, playwright (1732-1799)
I figured as much. I wonder how well that works? I played a scaled amp once and wasn't impressed but people seem to love 65 amps in the reviews and videos I've seen. Interesting stuff. Thanks for the info!
I figured as much. I wonder how well that works? I played a scaled amp once and wasn't impressed but people seem to love 65 amps in the reviews and videos I've seen. Interesting stuff. Thanks for the info!