I've read that this is a simple way to dramatically increase the output and headroom of a tweed vibrolux. Obviously the bias would need to be considered, but are there any other circuit modifications that would be needed in order to handle the increases in transformer specs? I also noticed that Weber has the same transformer specified for tweed deluxe and deluxe reverb. I was under the impression ordinarily the vibrolux just uses a tweed deluxe set, but this would make it appear that the set for deluxe reverbs are exactly the same.
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5f11 Vibrolux with Deluxe Reverb transformers
Deluxe reverb PTs from different suppliers & from different years of Deluxe reverb are different. Traditionally a Deluxe reverb PT has more B+ current capacity (120mA vs 100mA), more heater current capacity (3.5A compared to 2A), and more current capacity for the 5V rectifier winding (3A vs 2A) compared to a tweed deluxe PT. Final voltages will depend on lots of factors but the Deluxe reverb PT will tolerate 6L6 power tubes, a 5U4 rectifier and "may" be considered an upgrade. They can be considered interchangeable in a Tweed Deluxe (but not in a Deluxe reverb) more than "exactly the same".
Thanks for the reply. What I'm trying to emulate is the Mission V-Lux. From the sounds of it, if I were using the Weber PT/OT designed for 5E3 I would already be using the "upgraded" transformers since they are also the ones spec'd for the Deluxe Reverb. Would it be more appropriate to use the 5F2 transformers in a 5F11 to achieve a more original setup? I guess I'm just a little confused by the idea that the "upgrade" PT/OT is the same as what most people say they are already using in their 5F11 builds.
Firstly, your original assertion that using a Deluxe Reverb PT will dramatically increase power is wrong, power will be dependent on B+ voltage, with a 5Y3 in fixed bias, at moderate current, it is just as likely that the 5E3 PT will give a higher B+, but there are no strict standards in terms of voltage for either...so it's a bit of a crapshoot. The Weber Deluxe PT has a 340-0-340VAC B+ winding, you may well find 5E3 or 125P1B Champ/Princeton transformers that kick out more, as long as you don't go mad on plate current. The Champ/Princeton PT has a different stud spacing (if you already have a chassis in mind), and less current capacity on the B+ winding.
The Weber PT, if a BF style, is not secifically designed for 5E3, it's just the one that they use. A 2A 6.3VAC, 2A 5VAC PT will be perfectly adequate for a 5E3/5F11...so long as you don't intend to run bigger tubes.
Weber is a budget parts outlet, the fewer lines they offer, the better the prices they can charge.
For my part, I'd prefer to use the Deluxe PT...it allows the use of stiffer rectifiers at voltages that NOS 6V6 will handle, if you were really obsessed with power, you probably wouldn't be building a 5F11, or if you did, you might use a 6L6 PT and run with modern higher voltage 6V6 like EH or JJ.
Or buy V-lux transformers from Bruce @ Mission.
The 5E11 and 5F11 used smaller rated transformers, they made about 12-14 watts MAX and used a 10" speaker.
The Mission V-lux uses a 12" speaker, a GZ30 (Russian 5Y3'ish-5V4G rectifier) and a 6V6s in fixed bias.... you will get about 18-20 watts out of a 5F11 with a pair of silver face Deluxe Reverb trannys and fixed bias.
If you want an inexpensive pair of trannys, the Weber iron is OK. Probably not as dynamic as the Heyboer, Lenco, MM Mag-Comp or other high end transformers, but still usable.
With my two trannys, I am also able to run a pair of 6L6s and a GZ34 in the V-Lux, with them idling at around 440v and 30ma.... a little cool but it still sounds great and will get close to 26-28 watts, with a high Q Deluxe Reverb sized OT.