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Sag phenomena?

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  • #31
    Hey was it this post where I saw you might like to re-introduce a little sag some of the time? Put a 100 ohm ceramic wirewound power resistor (big enough to hanlde whatever power you got running through it & warning this sucker will get hot enough to melt your eyebrows off so heat-sinked to the chassis ain't a bad idea) attatched to a switch (PM me if you're unsure what or where I'm talking about) inline between the output of your rectifier & reservoir. Switch in in when you're feeling "bluesy" a want some sag & swhitch it out when you want a tighter response.
    Hey you... Yeah you kid... Ya wanna buy some "Magic Beans"?


    • #32
      In the B+ rail or at the HV CT, it doesn't matter. But the OP is talking about some pretty serious sag...Like an over adjusted compressor effect. Yo can introduce some "rectifier tube" type sag with a 100 ohm but it won't be as profound as what's described in this thread.
      "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

      "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

      "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
      You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


      • #33
        Howlin Mad Mac and ChuckH, This sag was bizzarely pronounced. I did see a thread about adding a resistance just after the rectifier and I believe thats where Howlin Mad Mac is coming from. ChuckH, you may be more in line with 1K to get this Heeavy sag. 1K 50 watt must be a monster! Mac, I will definately heat sink this. I got the new OT last night and will be installing it this weekend. I'll try to round up a big resistor in the meantime.

        Trobbins, Thanks for the response. I think this is internal to the amp. It isn't til the very end of the volumn setting that this happens. Up to 9 1/2 you can get good controlled sustain, but wide open it gets weird. Pulsing and climbing before fading out.

        With a footswitch it could be fun. I just hope the new rectifier didn't stablize it too much. Would switching in a resistor while playing pop through the speaker?

        Thanks, Dan

