Hi still building my Hotcat clone http://www.webphix.com/schematic%20h..._hotcat_30.pdf I've got both channels operating fine tone wise but the clean channel seems too quiet to my ears. It was just one triode as per the spec driving the phase inverter and cathode biased EL34's. Wired like that it puts out about 16VAC across the 8 ohm load with a 200mv input so about 30 watts?. Nice and clean but I can put guitar and amp on 10 and sit in front of the speaker without any discomfort. Next I wanted to add a reverb circuit to the clean and this is operating well but loads down the clean output even more. I'm not a designer or E/E so I admit I'm Ok at building proven circuits rather than creating them
I do have a spare triode so I've tried to add another low gain stage after the clean-reverb mix but I'm just creating a loud noisy channel out of a quiet and clean one. Here's the circuit as is without the extra triode http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z...vSchematic.jpg
Are there any examples of other amps with a topology like this? I know the Fender Deluxe reverb etc as I've tried to slot in the same circuit. Any advice much appreciated. Joe.

Are there any examples of other amps with a topology like this? I know the Fender Deluxe reverb etc as I've tried to slot in the same circuit. Any advice much appreciated. Joe.