I built a small power supply to use for a few 12A_7 preamp projects and I'm having trouble with the heater voltage. The heater winding is supposed to be 12.6VAC at .3A. Unfortunately, I'm getting closer to 16V under load. I tried rectifying and using a regulator but I didn't have enough current left. I tried putting small resistors (560R 2W) in series with each heater winding which brought it down to 11.9V. This worked fine but the resistors were bulkier than I would like.
Looking for more options, I read on Valve Wizard's site that you could also put 2 diodes in opposite directions on one of the heater windings to lower the voltage. I used 2 1N4007's and it brought it down to 13.4 which is in range but this leaves me with one question. If the diodes are only on one side of the winding will it only lower the voltage for half a phase and will I still 16V for the other half?
Thoughts? Advice? Criticism?
Thanks for reading!
Looking for more options, I read on Valve Wizard's site that you could also put 2 diodes in opposite directions on one of the heater windings to lower the voltage. I used 2 1N4007's and it brought it down to 13.4 which is in range but this leaves me with one question. If the diodes are only on one side of the winding will it only lower the voltage for half a phase and will I still 16V for the other half?
Thoughts? Advice? Criticism?
Thanks for reading!