My drawing skills are pretty crude, is there an easy to use (and free) schematic maker software? I want to share the design of this crazy amp I'm building with you guys, so you can check it out and see what I am trying to do.
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Easy to use schematic maker software?
Originally posted by tedmich View Posti like diptrace
DipTrace - Professional Schematic & PCB Design Software
(Psst- If you do have it for free, let's not talk about it here.)
Strictly for schematics, I use Express PCB. *Very* easy to use.
Schematics can be turned into .bmp .gif .png or whatever to be posted.
Their PCBs are proprietary and understood only by them, so ....
This is an example:
Drawn as a .sch (the schematic file type), saved as a .bmp, opened into any Graphics editor (I used free excellent IrfanView) and converted to .gif or .png , bot formats accepted here.
Try to avoid converting into .jpg which is meant for color pictures, not too good with detailed schematics.Juan Manuel Fahey
Originally posted by tedmich View Posti like diptrace
DipTrace - Professional Schematic & PCB Design Software
I generally use Express PCB as has already been suggested. Its pretty easy to use once you get the knack of it.
The best one is Visio professional. It converts to ALL common formats, in high resolution.
Visio 2000 works great on windows 7, and being OLD, is pretty cheap to buy.
it includes templates for vacuum tubes and all other components including solid state and transformers.
(in fact make your own templates, and save them for future drawings...) makes mechanical drawings too.
However "any" software takes plenty of time and practice to learn. It helps a lot to have a 24" monitor, and high resolution graphics, which is not found on many home computers. If you do not have "at least" a P4 processor, "at least" 1 GB RAM, you need to upgrade your hardware FIRST.
(graphics drawing programs eat RAM for breakfast)
You are WARNED not to download any "free" software from the internet. The majority of "free" software is a SCAM designed to INFECT your computer.
Please do not wind up as another victim of a "free" download.Last edited by soundguruman; 06-21-2012, 01:41 PM.
Mmmmmhhhh !!!
That's *exactly* what Bill Gates wants us to think.
So you say I should delete all the free software I'm using?
I'm talking about legal software, by the way, not pirated one.
Such as Firefox and all its add-ons (I'm using it right now to write this); Avast Antivirus (same), Express PCB (same), Adobe Acrobat (same), Protel Easytrax and Autotrax 1.61 (same) and ....... and ...... and....
Ever heartd about a little obscure Operating System called Linux?
Oh !! , I thought so.Juan Manuel Fahey
Avast is certainly one of the poorest rated antivirus, as far as people reporting problems after installing it.
It is certainly one of the lowest levels of protection, and I would not personally recommend it.
Considering that Google has warned users that at least 85% of all free downloads are scams, I would proceed with a bit more caution.
zone alarm free firewall is a longstanding better replacement for the windows firewall. It now includes its own antivirus checking program, which is rumored to be a variant of Kaspersky antivirus.
For downloading software, a test of reason applies: consider the source. Random software untilities are likely bugged, and even legit-seeming ones may be infected. So take advantage of the flowing-nature of viruses, malware, and their anti's. Use an antivirus program. Choose wisely. Then download what you want, from places which are not hyping; sourceforge has been very reliable. "cracked" commercial software is almost certain to be bugged, probably multiply.
The important part is this: give your downloads time to "cool off". Antivirus stuff is pretty good, but until the viruses are caught in the wild and their signatures determined and put into antivirus updates, there is no protection. Download whatever you judge is a safe(r) source, freeze it in some holding directory, and then wait a couple of weeks to let the AV programs catch up. Do a fresh update of your AV signatures and scan it before you install or execute. Set your AV to scan inside compressed files.
I'd be surprised if the virus laden software on the net is less than 90% of the total. But that is because there is such a huge incentive for the criminals (and now countries) to publish huge rafts of cra... er, utilities to sucker people in. Choose your sources, freeze it, wait for the anti-s to catch up.
After years of not using anything except store-bought stuff, I'm actually moving toward freeware. I use Firefox, Open Office, FreeCad (great 3-D modelling!), EAC, Foobar2000, FreeOCR, Thunderbird, and others.
More importantly - think.Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!
Oh, wait! That sounds familiar, somehow.