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Back biasing off PT ct

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  • Back biasing off PT ct

    I've not seen this question addressed previously, at least I don't think I have: is back biasing off the power transformer center tap to adjust voltage and/or provide sag in any way stressful to the transformer? I am speaking solely of a *resistive* element here, i.e. a power resistor, not a zener.

  • #2
    I would say no but depends on how much load you are adding and if the transformer was already stressed beforehand. A center tap isn't any wimpier than the end taps the way I understand.


    • #3
      It is exactly the same as the same resistor in series with the + output of the rectifier(s). Electrical things in series can be put in any order with no change to what the things outside the chain sees.

      And putting a resistor in series with the load on a transformer in general lowers the apparent load and is easier on the transformer; although it will not be remarkably different in this case.
      Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!

      Oh, wait! That sounds familiar, somehow.

