Originally posted by kg
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But, I think it's more interesting to start from the other end, and discuss how to make the best of the limitations of a specific situation. Let's say we have a really small club gig, and your favorite tone is a cranked 100W "Plexi". How can we get the best possible tone given the limitations?
Is it running the Plexi with the volume on "1"? Is it using an attenuator? Is it using Powerscaling? Is it by using a POD into the PA? Is it by using a small 15W amp that tries to sound like a Plexi? Is it by using the "Crunch" channel of a modern multichannel mastervolume amp?
I agree that Powerscaling is complex - when added to an existing amp. When designing and building an amp from scratch, it's fairly trivial and very cheap to implement.
And for the record, I'm not endorsed by Kevin O'Connor...
