I've been looking a lot at high side current monitoring for a project. I thought that the AOE fig 7.27 circuit was clever and cheap until I did the math on the precision resistor count to null out 470V of common mode voltage, and the Zetex ZXCT1009 started looking a lot more attractive. I had another slick math solution until I realized that CMV was eating up all but the last bit of precision.
Anyone have experience with either these or the ACS71x series hall effect sensors? I was looking at the ZXCT1009 and extending the range per AN45, but the degree to which my choices of HV PNP transistors is limited suggested I might be getting further off the beaten path than i wanted to. (Incidently, after a couple times choosing a wierd/odd part/method too early in the design process, I'm finding the qty available at DigiKey almost as valuable as any other indicator of 'warning you are headed into left field')
Anyone have experience with either these or the ACS71x series hall effect sensors? I was looking at the ZXCT1009 and extending the range per AN45, but the degree to which my choices of HV PNP transistors is limited suggested I might be getting further off the beaten path than i wanted to. (Incidently, after a couple times choosing a wierd/odd part/method too early in the design process, I'm finding the qty available at DigiKey almost as valuable as any other indicator of 'warning you are headed into left field')