Since when checking the actual plate voltage you are supposed to subtract the voltage drop across the bias resister from the plate pin 3 to ground . So if I have 371 on the plate and subtract 26.0 cathode + 345 plate actual . Now many talk about the screen being higher than the plate on 6V6 champs so what plate voltage is refered to the plate pin 3 to ground or after the cathode voltage is subtracted from the plate , if the later is true then the screen see's much more than the plate.
One other thing I noticed . On a SF champ there are two bypass caps on the 12ax7 the one for the preamp across the 1.5k cathode resister is 25 uf but the one on the second gain stage after the tone stack is 2uf . I think 25 uf lets more low freqency through than a smaller value was this do to tame the bass a bit because of the stock champ speaker or will changing the 2 uf cap to a 25 uf make no real difference?
One other thing I noticed . On a SF champ there are two bypass caps on the 12ax7 the one for the preamp across the 1.5k cathode resister is 25 uf but the one on the second gain stage after the tone stack is 2uf . I think 25 uf lets more low freqency through than a smaller value was this do to tame the bass a bit because of the stock champ speaker or will changing the 2 uf cap to a 25 uf make no real difference?