If you followed the last thread i started, i recently I found that putting a 120k resistor on the wiper of my master pot allowed my amp's true tone to come thru at low volume. Much like putting a treble bleed in a guitar, without it my tone was like mud at the volumes i use it at most of the time. Why a resistor on the wiper seems to do the same as a treble bleed cap i have no idea. It answered a lot of questions i had such as why i found the amp much too soft and muddy with NFB and had to add a pot to dial it out mostly.
So now the amp is gawd awful bright and i then find using a ton of NFB (33k on the 16 ohm tap) is now not only usable but necassary. The amp sounds great like this, however i spent some time making changes that worked well with this "new" amp. Like 820R for cathodes on V1 A&B where before 1.5k worked best. Now 1.5k seems too metallic while 820R sounds smooth and rich. Grid stoppers now help, tho i've come to feel on V1B it sounds better w/o still.
So heres the question, and at the risk of driving potential replies away, i gotta tell you i've tried most of the typical stuff. But the tone is great now cept for one thing.....the low end is now rather muddy. The note attack is soft and indistinct. Sounds good with a hyper gain courtesy of a clean boost, but the cleaner i go the more obvious it is. It has that wooliness to it and it remains no matter how still i make the PSU, and if i drop couplers any lower the amp becomes too thin. Upping the slope R is a not go for the same reason. the amp is bright enough, so removing lows doesn't seem like the answer, it seems like the just need to be tightened some other way if possible. But i have no ideas for that so I have thought of lowering couplers really low anyways and try and beef the tone back up later in the amp, but i tried a resonance in the NFB with no success and can't think of anything else. Any ideas? Heres the latest schematic...
So now the amp is gawd awful bright and i then find using a ton of NFB (33k on the 16 ohm tap) is now not only usable but necassary. The amp sounds great like this, however i spent some time making changes that worked well with this "new" amp. Like 820R for cathodes on V1 A&B where before 1.5k worked best. Now 1.5k seems too metallic while 820R sounds smooth and rich. Grid stoppers now help, tho i've come to feel on V1B it sounds better w/o still.
So heres the question, and at the risk of driving potential replies away, i gotta tell you i've tried most of the typical stuff. But the tone is great now cept for one thing.....the low end is now rather muddy. The note attack is soft and indistinct. Sounds good with a hyper gain courtesy of a clean boost, but the cleaner i go the more obvious it is. It has that wooliness to it and it remains no matter how still i make the PSU, and if i drop couplers any lower the amp becomes too thin. Upping the slope R is a not go for the same reason. the amp is bright enough, so removing lows doesn't seem like the answer, it seems like the just need to be tightened some other way if possible. But i have no ideas for that so I have thought of lowering couplers really low anyways and try and beef the tone back up later in the amp, but i tried a resonance in the NFB with no success and can't think of anything else. Any ideas? Heres the latest schematic...