A question of theory. When connecting a small signal pentode without a cathode bypass cap, where should the screen bypass cap connect to? Screen voltage supply is via dropping resistor from HT only, not using a voltage divider.
To my limited understanding, there are 3 factors to think about with this -
1. reduce screen nfb for max gain,
2. bypass any PS noise to ground to avoid noise being amplified,
3. to get the appropriate fidelity of signal amplification.
I ask this because in the pentode circuit I have been trialling, I have bypassed the screen direct to the cathode, and then bypassed the cathode to ground. But I have maybe too much gain, so I tried removing the cathode bypass cap. I lost gain (nearly 50% reduction), but there seemed to be more hum without the cathode bypass cap than with the cap
A question of theory. When connecting a small signal pentode without a cathode bypass cap, where should the screen bypass cap connect to? Screen voltage supply is via dropping resistor from HT only, not using a voltage divider.
To my limited understanding, there are 3 factors to think about with this -
1. reduce screen nfb for max gain,
2. bypass any PS noise to ground to avoid noise being amplified,
3. to get the appropriate fidelity of signal amplification.
I ask this because in the pentode circuit I have been trialling, I have bypassed the screen direct to the cathode, and then bypassed the cathode to ground. But I have maybe too much gain, so I tried removing the cathode bypass cap. I lost gain (nearly 50% reduction), but there seemed to be more hum without the cathode bypass cap than with the cap
