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EL84 amp counterexamples, please

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Chuck H View Post
    Yup. I don't know if the 5e8a is an example of a preferred overdrive Twin. Not the design usually copied by cloners and boo-teekers.
    Right, that's exactly my point. Is this design a prime example of why designers DON'T use the cathodyne to drive (or rather, overdrive) the power stage? I did notice that the 5f8 and other designs switched to the LTP.

    And so, are there fans of this design as well as detractors? Or has this design been pretty well retired?
    Last edited by eschertron; 12-09-2013, 01:12 PM.
    If it still won't get loud enough, it's probably broken. - Steve Conner
    If the thing works, stop fixing it. - Enzo
    We need more chaos in music, in art... I'm here to make it. - Justin Thomas
    MANY things in human experience can be easily differentiated, yet *impossible* to express as a measurement. - Juan Fahey


    • #32
      Not quite what you're after but the VHT/Fryette D60 uses an AC coupled cathodyne PI which may be worth having a think about, granted that is a pretty clean power amp. Other notable examples would be things like the various old orange/matamp designs and the Electric MV120 which use DC coupled cathodyne PI designs which are very much about the aforementioned warts!

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Deliverance60Scheme1.jpg
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ID:	831920


      • #33
        Remember, when they designed these amps 50-60 years ago, overdrive was the last thing on their mind.
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Enzo View Post
          Remember, when they designed these amps 50-60 years ago, overdrive was the last thing on their mind.
          Point well-taken. I think this is the issue that has me the most confused from this thread: is an amp like the '57 twin (5E8A schematic) an example of an amp that gets "warty" when overdriven? I want to hear that sound so I can identify and come to grips with it. And how much compression and lower-order harmonic distortion can one get from an amp like this - actually *this* amp, since I'm using it as an example - before the warts become prominent?
          If it still won't get loud enough, it's probably broken. - Steve Conner
          If the thing works, stop fixing it. - Enzo
          We need more chaos in music, in art... I'm here to make it. - Justin Thomas
          MANY things in human experience can be easily differentiated, yet *impossible* to express as a measurement. - Juan Fahey

