Greetings strummers. Please dont exclaim profanities of my asking a further Q regarding this insatiably confounding subject, for me that is. I will try to be quick.
I have seen this execellent YT tutorial for numpties as you can call me no doubt, of s'one explaining the distortion 'chain' along a tube amp. Although as my previous thread suggests Im still finding the differences -between the various vol knobs that sit in the preamp stage- a struggle but I am not concerning myself with that here (my brain can't take any more thinking of the possible reasons/ differences: I cant be done with it).
This tutorial section, in the part to which my Q is related, shows a simple explanation of:
1) The input/gain vol set to 10, and the Master Vol set to 2: preamp distortion, not great.
2) The input/gain vol set to 2, and the Master Vol set to 10: much better pwr tube distortion, "perfect lead tone for a Bls Jr that is" he says. I agree. I can even clearly hear it via my PC spkrs. Actually it sounds damn good albeit a typical boxy Bls Jr sound.
*All understood. This guys examples are terrific even the waves and clipping egs are spot-on too esp for "newbies".
So: both examples are of comparative volumes then, relatively low volume, its just opposing ways of setting the amp's two stages.
Then he goes on to talk about attenuators, showing again in superb clarity a typical loud amp, and a typical attenuator etc etc. **The following is what I don't understand*** (this is after reading the previous thread three times, re-watched this tutorial twice in case I missed s'thing, & scratched my head almost 1273 times)...
So the guy then goes on to consider, 'now if we want power tube distortion at low volume, we must consider an "attenuator" etc etc etc.
B.. bu.. but you just showed us how power tube distortion WAS OBTAINED CLEARLY RIGHT THERE, AT LOW VOLUME, SIMPLY BY DIALING THE MASTER TO 10 & THE INPUT/GAIN VOL TO 1 ?! (and also showed by rolling off the GTR volume a clean sound can be got too/ a medium od sound midway= so all my 'three tones' at low volumes by proper power tube distortion for v good sound)................... so why didn't he say this?/ stick there? & I dont understand: therefore why the need for an attenuator at all?? (If the vol 1/ Master 10 sound was as poor as the vol 10 / Master 1 preamp buzzy od sound, I'd understand. But its not. Its good: he said so himself, and showed so himself).
I have seen this execellent YT tutorial for numpties as you can call me no doubt, of s'one explaining the distortion 'chain' along a tube amp. Although as my previous thread suggests Im still finding the differences -between the various vol knobs that sit in the preamp stage- a struggle but I am not concerning myself with that here (my brain can't take any more thinking of the possible reasons/ differences: I cant be done with it).
This tutorial section, in the part to which my Q is related, shows a simple explanation of:
1) The input/gain vol set to 10, and the Master Vol set to 2: preamp distortion, not great.
2) The input/gain vol set to 2, and the Master Vol set to 10: much better pwr tube distortion, "perfect lead tone for a Bls Jr that is" he says. I agree. I can even clearly hear it via my PC spkrs. Actually it sounds damn good albeit a typical boxy Bls Jr sound.
*All understood. This guys examples are terrific even the waves and clipping egs are spot-on too esp for "newbies".
So: both examples are of comparative volumes then, relatively low volume, its just opposing ways of setting the amp's two stages.
Then he goes on to talk about attenuators, showing again in superb clarity a typical loud amp, and a typical attenuator etc etc. **The following is what I don't understand*** (this is after reading the previous thread three times, re-watched this tutorial twice in case I missed s'thing, & scratched my head almost 1273 times)...
So the guy then goes on to consider, 'now if we want power tube distortion at low volume, we must consider an "attenuator" etc etc etc.
B.. bu.. but you just showed us how power tube distortion WAS OBTAINED CLEARLY RIGHT THERE, AT LOW VOLUME, SIMPLY BY DIALING THE MASTER TO 10 & THE INPUT/GAIN VOL TO 1 ?! (and also showed by rolling off the GTR volume a clean sound can be got too/ a medium od sound midway= so all my 'three tones' at low volumes by proper power tube distortion for v good sound)................... so why didn't he say this?/ stick there? & I dont understand: therefore why the need for an attenuator at all?? (If the vol 1/ Master 10 sound was as poor as the vol 10 / Master 1 preamp buzzy od sound, I'd understand. But its not. Its good: he said so himself, and showed so himself).