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Decipher resistors

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  • Decipher resistors

    I just want to be sure on these resistors.

    My scem shows =

    5W0R15 .... is it 15 ohm - 5 watt ?

    100R-MF ... 100 ohm - Metal Film ?

  • #2
    It would be nice to SEE the schematic to be sure.

    Generally 0R15 would be 0.15 ohm, not 15 ohm.

    In modern format, the R or k or M would take the place of the decimal point and indicate ohms or k-ohms or meg-ohms. So 1.5k would become 1k5. It is actually better because the dot can get lost and someone read 1.5k as 15k, but 1k5 makes that almost impossible.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      5W0R15 = five watts, zero point one five ohms. The "R" is use in some schematic conventions for the decimal point when the resistance is too small to have a "K" or an "M".

      100R-MF = one hundred ohms, metal film. Yep, you're right. Same convention, using an "R" for the decimal point, in much the same way that 4.7K is written 4K7 in some conventions. The idea is that it makes it harder to lose the decimal point if the letter you're going to write anyway replaces it - except for below 1K.

      Tee hee - simulpost
      Amazing!! Who would ever have guessed that someone who villified the evil rich people would begin happily accepting their millions in speaking fees!

      Oh, wait! That sounds familiar, somehow.


      • #4
        thanks guys..they should have left it like the ol days !


        • #5
          Originally posted by Valvehead View Post
          thanks guys..they should have left it like the ol days !
          Too right! I particularly dislike those SM 10 ohm resistors marked 100

